Talent directory/Sari Stissi
I'm a passionate person focused on using my skills to help people live better lives and create a society that focuses on helping people first over anything else. I've done extensive research on tech accessibility and make sure to use it in everything I make and that everything I use is accessible. My unique skills and experiences make me a great adaptive member of any team! Over the past couple of years I've gained a plethora of skills including web development, application development, game development, server hosting, and game development. I am the most experienced in web and application development. I've created several custom websites for clients and helped them host and maintain them. I've created multiple database applications for different uses based on the use case of each specific client. I even have experience handling clients and their projects, performing QA, and helping clients with technical support. Because of my past experience, I am a fast learner and can pickup any new software or programming language fairly quickly. I am also very adept at being able to communicate with multiple types of people. Being a neurodivergent, biracial member of the LGBTQ community from an immigrant family, I understand that everyone thinks, learns, and understands in a unique way. I've needed to quickly assess a person's way of understanding and explain things in a way that clicks for them so that I could translate for my parents, help fellow students in class, or provide technical support for clients with different technical experiences.
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