Talent directory/Julie Biaunie

Photo of Julie Biaunie

Julie Biaunie (She/Her)

Software Developer
No location preference

About Me

My name is Julie and I am about to graduate from Durham Technical Community College with an Associate in Software Development and another in Web Development. I am originally from France and aspire to become a software developer once I graduate. My degree has allowed me to gain experience in multiple programming languages. I love working with Java and C#, but I also have experience using Python, PHP, and Swift. I enjoy building projects with the MEAN Stack as well. I earned multiple Microsoft Certifications along my course of study. As part of the LGBTQIA+ community, I see the value in bringing more underrepresented folks in the tech world.

I'm looking for
I dream of working for a company that has a true impact on making technology accessible for all. I would love to work and bring my skills to a team that values making a difference in the world. My preferred programming languages are Java and C#, but I am always open and motivated to learn new skills.