Talent directory/Jerry Victor
My name is Jerry Victor, I am a first generation Haitian and fell in love with coding after considering paying for an idea to come to life through way of an application. Like so many other things I decided to learn and do it myself. In doing so I discovered a passion. My curiosity and thirst to learn more led me to Flatiron School and there I was able to expand my knowledge and gain a deep understanding of the fundamentals of programming. My technical skills include Javascript, React, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, Git, and Github. I have experience with redux, and PostgreSQL. Outside of coding I enjoy DIY projects, reading, playing/watching sports (especially football), running, going to the gym and traveling. I love to push myself and I am committed to self improvement. My background in sound engineering has helped me to develop strong problem solving skills and the ability to both give and take constructive feedback. My background in healthcare has shaped my interpersonal skills that allow me to efficiently communicate with team members, customers, and stakeholders. Instilled in me are a strong moral, work ethic and empathy. I am interested in an entry level software development position, to contribute my skills and further my knowledge and growth.
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